If you made it to the Fall Street Fair last year, you might have tasted some of our Springerles, German anise cookies made from my husband's family recipe. These cookies requires one day to roll out the cookies, the next day to bake them, and three weeks for them to ripen and get nice and strong. Scott made them three weeks ago so they are perfect right now. The cookies are $3 for a half dozen.
Stop by booth #185 (if you're facing the Little Art, we'll be on the right). Along with the culinary treats, I'll have my quilts and quilted art, and copies of Gravity Fiction, a anthology of short stories by college writers, with commentary on the craft of writing fiction. Gravity Fiction got an honorable mention in the Eric Hoffer Award for independently published books.
The Yellow Springs Street Fair is located on State Route 68 in downtown Yellow Springs. It's a one-day only event, so mark your calendar for this Sat., June 12, from 9-5 pm, although last year we sold out of the strawberry-rhubarb pies and the Springerles around 2 pm, so come early!
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